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This page lists academic conferences—both forthcoming and completed—and similar events that focus on Clausewitz.

If you are planning or are otherwise aware of any relevant event, conference, or publication that has some significant focus on Clausewitz, please contact

Call for papers: Clausewitz as a Practical Philosopher

Special Issue of the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence
December 2021
Guest editor: Andreas Herberg-Rothe

More detail HERE.

Published as:

Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV)
Vol. VI (Issue 1/2022), pp.1-109.

Special Issue: "Clausewitz as a Practical Philosopher"

Special Issue cover
Andreas Wilmes, editor-in-chief; Andreas Herberg-Rothe, issue editor.
ISSN 2559-9798. DOI: 10.22618/TP.PJCV.20226.1 (open access).

Contents are listed/linked on our "Recommended Reading" page.


Announcement of the death of Professor Sir Michael Howard"

Sir Michael Howard

Sir Michael Eliot Howard (1922–2019)
The Memorial Service for Sir Michael Howard was held at the King's College London Chapel on Tuesday 25th February 2020. See details of Sir Michael's life and career in The Guardian's obituary.

See also: Wikipedia biography.


Announcement of the death of Professor Peter Paret"

Peter Paret

Announcement from the Institute of Advanced Studies: Peter Paret (1924–2020)

Noted Clausewitz scholar Peter Paret, Professor Emeritus in the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study, passed away peacefully at age 96 at his Salt Lake City home on September 11, 2020. A German-born American and acclaimed cultural and intellectual historian, Paret studied the modern historiography of war from 18th- to 20th-century Europe, as well as the relationship of art, society, and politics.

See also: Wikipedia biography.


TUESDAY 19 JAN 2016 at the Fort Myer Officer's Club

Topic: Carl von Clausewitz and Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington, On Waterloo: Clausewitz, Wellington, and the Campaign of 1815, transl. & ed. by Christopher Bassford, Daniel Moran, and Gregory W. Pedlow, 2010. ISBN: 9781453701508

Jon T. SumidaJon Sumida

book cover

Clausewitz Carl von Clausewitz

Speaker: Jon Sumida, Professor of History, University of Maryland, College Park

Schedule: 5:30 Gathering 6:30 Dinner 7:30 Discussion

Cost: $35.00

POC Eric Joyce at this e-mail address: [email protected] or Bob Goldich by phone at (703) 359-1074.

Announcement of a 2015 Panel on Clausewitz at the Pentagon

10:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. 11 December 2015 in the Joint Staff Flag Room • Room 2D852

A panel discussion on the current relevance of Clausewitz,
featuring Christopher Bassford, Alan Beyerchen, Brad Carson, Antulio J.
Echevarria II , Jennie Kiesling, Erin Mahan, Peter Paret, and Jon Sumida
(This is the conclusion to an 8-part series.)

See speaker and panel videos

14 October 2014

BSHP Conference:
War in the History of Ideas

Netherlands Defence Academy, Breda, The Netherlands. Organized by Paul Schuurman (Erasmus University Rotterdam/British Society for the History of Philosophy) and Paul Donker (Netherlands Defence Academy/Erasumus University Rotterdam), 14 October 2014.

AnnouncementProgram & Abstracts

The first centennial in 2014 of the First World War forms the occasion for a one-day conference on War in the History of Ideas. The nature of war, the causes of war, its prevention, its acceptability, war as a cultural phenomenon, the relation between war and philosophy, war and religion, war and politics have all been the object of intense scrutiny by the greatest thinkers in the history of ideas. Twenty scholars will discuss topics that range from ‘Just War Thinking in Ancient Greece’ to ‘The Cognitive Roots of Modern “Inglorious Wars” and the Ukrainian Experience’. Papers will include the following philosophers: Plato, René Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, Immanuel Kant, Carl von Clausewitz, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Carl Schmitt. Panelists will include Paul Donker, Paul Schuurman, Azar Gat, Cian O’Driscoll, Bruno Colson, David van Dusen, Anthony Sampson, Christopher Coker, Andreas Herberg-Rothe, Hannes Rusch, Charlotte Störmer, Tom Sorell, Esmeralda Kleinreesink, Frank Daudey, Jan Willem Honig, Sebastian Schneider, Herman Siemens, Yuriy Loboda, Isabelle Duyvesteyn, and Richard Feist.

1-2 SEP 2011
2nd Annual Conference on Terrorism and Global Security

Immediately below are links to the Clausewitz-related slide presentations from this conference described above:

Dr. Antulio Echevarria, (U.S. Army, Strategic Studies Institute)
Clausewitz and Contemporary War: The Debate over War’s Nature

Major Todd E. Pierce (US Army Jag Corps)
The Dichotomy of U.S. Counter-terrorism Strategy: Carl Schmidt v. Carl von Clausewitz

Dennis Prange (Hanns Seidel Foundation) & Nubert Boubeka (Ambivium Institute)
Networking Centers of Gravity

Mr. Mark Silinsky (Department of Defense)
An Old Prussian, an Ancient Land, and a New War: Carl von Clausewitz & Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan

Lt. Col. Dale Eikmeier (U.S. Army)
A Contrarian View on the Relevance of Clausewitz’s Center of Gravity in the War on Terrorism

Lars Falk, PhD (Swedish Defense Research Agency)
Centers of Gravity and Clausewitz’s Model of War

6 APRIL 2011

One-Day Workshop on Clausewitz and Small Wars, in Washington, DC

It is the workshop organizers' conviction that Clausewitz should be regarded as an early theorist of wars of national liberation. In his “Lectures on Small War,” he analyzed guerrilla warfare by studying the rebellion in the Vendée 1793-1796, the Tyrolean uprising of 1809, and most prominently, the Spanish insurrection from 1808 onward. In his famous Testimonial or “Bekenntnisdenkschrift” of 1812, in which he demands a “Spanish civil war in Germany,” he outlined a comprehensive guerrilla strategy against Napoleonic France and supported his view with theoretical reflections about the nature of defense and offence. In his posthumously published work On War, Clausewitz included a short chapter on “The People in Arms” in the sixth book on defense, in which he deals with practical as well as theoretical aspects of popular uprising and guerrilla warfare. It is safe to say that biographically and intellectually “People's War” was at the very beginning of Clausewitz’ career.

Hosted by the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies thanks to financial support from the Smith Richardson Foundation.

Contact: Dr. Christopher Daase

21-23 March 2005

Oxford University crest

OXFORD • 2005

Oxford University crest

Judging by the recent increase in published discussion, it appears that we are entering yet another of the periodic upsurges in the study of Clausewitz and his theories regarding war. This is a bad sign from the standpoint of world peace, since we seem to think seriously about war only when the beast is upon us. But it is also, by that same token, an encouraging omen.

An important reflection of this renewed interest was "Clausewitz in the 21st Century" – a conference held in the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, 21-23 March 2005, sponsored by the Oxford Leverhulme Programme on the Changing Character of War (CCW).

Conference report by Andreas Herberg-Rothe (in German)
Conference report by Ulrike Kleemeier (in German — see pp.187-91)
Conference report by Claus Eskild Andersen, then-cand.phil. Danish officer (Major) (in Danish)

Book cover

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Hew Strachan and Andreas Herberg-Rothe (Oxford University Press, September 2007). ISBN: 0199232024. This is the proceedings of the March 2005 Oxford University conference on Clausewitz in the 21st Century, a stellar, multidisciplinary collection of essays that defines the current state of the art in Clausewitz studies.


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